Why have my legs swollen up after liposuction?
Q: I underwent liposuction 2 years ago. Ever since then, my legs fill up with water and hurt. The doctor said that it happens in some cases, but he didn't tell me what could be done for the same. What are the ways to relieve my legs of water retention?
A:It is uncommon to develop swelling of the legs after liposuction (presumably of your abdomen). The cause of your leg swelling needs to be investigated. For instance did you develop deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities after surgery and now have venous insufficiency, which is giving rise to the swelling. Is there another cause for the swelling in your lower extremities - and there is a long list of causes. These include lymphatic obstruction (which can be due to several diseases), and diseases of the kidney, heart and the liver. Once the cause has been determined only then can treatment be suggested. If you were found to have venous insufficiency, then diuretics (water pills) with graded compression stockings would provide you with relief. Please see a physician who will do a comprehensive examination and order appropriate investigations to determine the cause of your swelling