Why does my father have loss of sensation in the hands?
Q: My father, 70 years old, underwent cervical spondylosis operation 14 years back. Since the operation he has been feeling nothing in the hands, there is numbness in his hands. Now his manner of walking too has worsened. Now he says he cant feel even the touch of thread like materials. He is diabetic and has had a heart attack. Will any physiotherapy or accupressure or any other treatment help? We consulted a neurologist who said everything was fine.
A:You have had a neuro opinion which has ruled out any internal problem, so theres not much to worry. The sensation in the hand does get reduced sometimes due to various causes. I can suggest a few exercises he can try: 1. Roll wooden rods of different diameters with the hand on the table. 2. Rub sand paper on the hand. 3. Take some dry sand in a bowl and ask him to take sand in a fist and try to hold as tight as possible. 4. He can try exercise 3 with different kind of lentils and dals.