Why are so many people dying of swine flu?
Q: I would like to know why are so many people dying in spite of swine flu being mild?
A:The majority of persons who get swine 'flu have such mild symptoms that they never consider themselves sick and never report to the health system. The get better by themselves and also become immune. Some, a much smaller number, get a more severe infection, realise that they are sick but get better with the usual measures taken for any flu at home with OTC (over the counter) remedies such as paracetamol, plenty of fluids and cough remedies. Another, an even smaller group, get more unwell and go to their doctor or hospital. They are also treated symptomatically and recover. Those who are severely ill and report to the health system are tested for Swine 'flu. If positive, they are treated with Tamilflu and most recover. About 1 in a 100 develop serious side effects and cannot be saved. These persons are generally those whose immune system is weak (children below 5 years, persons over 65 years, persons with pre-existing asthma or respiratory disease and those whose immune system is weak because of other disease or some medicines). It is important that persons who develop flu like symptoms report to the health system, especially if they have breathing problems or very high temperature not responding to the usual medicines.