Why are flakes falling off my scalp?
Q: From my head some white scales are spilling. I first thought that it is dandruff and so using the Himalaya Health care Anti-dandruff shampoo. But still it is spilling and the colour of the cell is also look like my skin colour. And if I put my hand on my head it starts itching. Is there any skin problem in my head?
A:Flaking or falling of scales from head could be due to dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis. If there is diffuse flaking, it is likely to be due to dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis. If this flaking is occurring in localised areas of the scalp, then it is likely to be due to scalp psoriasis. In this case, scaly patches may be seen over the elbows, knees, shins area, lumbosacral area of the back. Nails may show pitting and there may be associated arthritis. Sometimes, a little of flaking and itching could be due to pediculosis capitis (lice infestation of the scalp). Consult a dermatologist to find out what you have.