Where are the tests for DNA repair done in India?
Q: Which laboraories and hospitals in India conduct tests for measuring the DNA repair factor from skin or blood samples for daignosis of xeroderma pigmentosum?
A:Some of the major centres are :
1. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
2. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
3. Delhi University,South Campus
1. Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences
2. Calcutta University
1. Institute of Immunohematology
1. B.J. Medical College
2. Institute of Genetics
Prof. I.C. Verma
Place: Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.
Project Undertaken: Genome analysis-Human genetic disorder common in India. (Completed)
Major Area & Disease Covered:- ƒÒƒ{Thalassemia
Prof. P.S.N. Menon
Place: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
Project Undertaken: R & D/ Genetic Clinic for molecular diagnosis.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Fragile X, Haeomophilia, Albinism & Hyperplasia.
Dr. Geeta Talukder
Place: Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta.
Project Undertaken: Molecular diagnosis and counselling of genetic diseases in Eastern India.
Major Area & Disease Covered: ƒÒ-Thalassemia.
Dr. Uma Dasgupta
Place: Calcutta University, Calcutta.
Project Undertaken: Establishment of a genetic counselling programme for some heritable disorders leading to mental retardation.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Mental Retardation.
Dr. D. Mohanty
Place: Institute of Immunohemetology, Mumbai.
Project Undertaken: Centre for molecular genetics of inherited hematlogical disorders.
Major Area & Disease Covered: ƒÒ Thalassemia and other inherited hematological disorders
Dr. Sudha Gangal
Place: BJWHC, Mumbai.
Project Undertaken: To establish genetic clinic diagnostic laboratory & counselling for genetic diseases in Western India.
Major Area & Disease Covered: ƒÒƒn-thalassemia and other genetic disorders
Dr. M.A. Phadke
Place: B.J. Medical College, Pune.
Project Undertaken: Genetic clinic for molecular diagnosis and prevention
Major Area & Disease Covered: ƒÒ-Thalassemia major/minor/intermidia/cysticfibrosis
Dr. Y.R. Ahuja
Place: BMMRC, Hyderabad.
Project Undertaken: Molecular diagnosis of some neurodegenerative diseases caused by dynamic mutations.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Neurodegerative Diseases.
Dr. B.K. Thelma
Place: Delhi University, South Campus, New Delhi.
Project Undertaken: Fragile-X syndrome Genetic screening Diagnostic & Counselling.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Fragile-X Syndrome.
Dr. Anandaraj
Place: Institute of Genetics, Hyderabad.
Project Undertaken: To evolve a strategy applying & simplifying PCR based methodolgy for carrier detection & prenatal diagnosis of some predominant genetic diseases in Andhra Pradesh.
Major Area & Disease Covered: X linked disorders, ƒÒ-Thalassemia DMD/BMD Fragile X syndrome & Haemophillia A.
Professor Partha P. Majumder
Place: Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.
Project Undertaken: Genomic Diversity in Indian Populations.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Eastern Indian ethnic populations.
Dr. N. Appaji Rao
Place: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Project Undertaken: Studies of inbreeding in a large population variation at the DNA level and its consequences on the health of the population in India.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Genetic variation among Sunkethi community of Karnataka.
Dr. Sanjeev Jain
Place: National Institute of Mental Health and NeuroSciences, Bangalore.
Project Undertaken: Molecura Genetics study of Schizopherina and Bipolar disorders.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Schizopherina and Bipolar disorders.
Prof. A.K. Kalla
Place: Delhi University, Delhi.
Project Undertaken: Studies on genetic disorders among tribal populations.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Genetic variation among two primitive tribal population of Andhra Pradesh.
Dr. P.Veeraju
Place: Andhra University, Vishakhapatnum (Waltair), Andhra Pradesh.
Project Undertaken: Human genome diversity in South-East Indian population.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Genetic variation of some ethnic populations of south-east India.
Dr. S. Roychoudhury
Place: Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta.
Project Undertaken: Mapping of complete genome of V. cholera.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Genome analysis of V. cholera.
Dr. A. Bhattacharya
Place: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Project Undertaken: Genome analysis of E. histolytica in NHIIMMSS.(Completed).
Major Area & Disease Covered: Genome analysis of E. histolytica.
Dr. R. K. Bamezai
Place: Human Genetics Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Project Undertaken: Molecular genetics and biochemical analysis of pyruvate kinase metabolic regulation in Bloom syndrome cells.
Major Area & Disease Covered: Clinical Genetics, Prenatal Diagnosis and Prospective Genetic Counselling, In-vitro, In-vivo cancer models, cancer chemoprevention and Bloom syndrome.