What should be done for pain in the feet and bone growth?
Q: My mother is 56 years old and suffering from pain in both her feet since 10 years. She is unable to stand and work for a long time. She was injected on her foot 7 years back which reduced the pain. Now the pain has become severe. On taking X-ray, the doctor said there is bone growth on both feet and prescribed pain killers and diclofenac gels. When my mom takes the pain killers she gets mouth ulcer. She is also suffering from a sinus problem. Can my mother reduce the pain by exercise? Can she be injected again on her foot because the doctor is hesitating to inject her? How can this be cured?
A:From your mothers history and symptoms, it looks like she has calcaneal spurs. I would recommend following: 1. Wear a footwear which has soft coushioned heel. 2. Visit a physiotherapy clinic near your residence and take 10 sittings of pwb and ultrasonic. 3. Keep feet warm by using socks. 4. Reduce body weight as this direct impact on knees and feet. 5. If above does not work,consult surgeon for hydrocortisone injection. Wish her a speedy recovery.