What precautions does a thalassaemic need to take?
Q: I am a 32 years old healthy male, with no problems, except low Hb level (around 11-12). I recently got an Hb electrophoresis conducted, on the advice of the doctor who examined my blood tests report and noted the low level of Hb (10.8). The electrophoresis report showed the following results: -Hb A - 91.9 -Hb F - 4.0 -Hb A2 - 4.1 The comments were: Abnormal study, Hb A reduced, Hb F present, Hb A2 increased, suggests B-thalassaemia trait. Does the report suggest that I am thalassaeima minor? Are there any precautions I need to take? Is there a way to increase my Hb level through natural foods and will it improve results under electrophoresis?
A:Your results are Thalassaemia minor on basis of electrophoresis result.
Thalassaemia minor patients usually having low normal Hb. Only precaution they need is, when they plan for marriage, the would-be spouse should have Thalassaemia status done to avoid birth of Thalassaemia major.
Only way to increase Hb in Thalassaemia minor is Folic acid supplementation.