Q: I am a 35 years old male suffering from severe acidity and gas. I also have high cholesterol. Can you suggest a diet chart that I could benefit from?
A:In order to lower cholesterol with diet, you will need to reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Here are some of the low-fat, low-cholesterol foods you can choose from: Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, fish, brown rice, whole grains - whole wheat, jowar, bajra, etc.
Limit the amount of red meat you consume. If you have the option, choose fish, or chicken over red meat.
Avoid using butter as much as possible. Use only a small bit of butter on your sandwiches. Stay away from pastries, chips etc and takeaway food and sweets.
Choose whole grain bread over white bread.
Choose low fat dairy products like skimmed milk,low fat cheese. Make dahi and paneer at home using skimmed or low fat milk.
Regular exercise not only reduces total blood cholesterol, but it also lowers bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) while raising the good kind of cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). With improved diet, exercise helps to reduce cholesterol. To reduce acidity and gas you need to avoid chillies, spices, fried foods, tea, coffee, smoking, alcohol etc. Mental tension and lack off sleep also increases acid production so make sure you rest well. Do not leave your stomach empty, eat something (not fried) every three to four hours. Drink cumin water thrice a day. Make it a point to drink 10 - 12 glasses of water per day.