What is the reason for acute body pain?
Q: My mother is 50 years old. She is suffering from acute body pain. The doctor has diagnosed the pain to be due to low calcium level in the body and has given calcium supplement tablets. She has been taking the tablets for about 4 months but there is no change in the pain. Her lower limbs are also swollen. We did a TSH test but that is normal. Please suggest some remedy for this problem since the pain is sometimes unbearable and she is in a lot of discomfort.
A:Commonest cause of bony aches and pains in elderly population is Vitamin D deficiency. In a recent study from US, conducted in 135 patients having unexplained bony aches and myalgias (muscle pain), 93% were found to have low vitamin D levels. This condition is called as osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. Blood tests show low to normal calcium, low to normal phosphorous and raised serum alkaline phosphatase. X-rays of pelvis, hands and chest may also be useful. Your mother is most likely have vitamin D deficiency. Please get the above mentioned tests. If abnormal give her Calcium carbonate (shelcal 500mg) two tablets twice a day along with Calcirol sachet (VITAMIN D) one per week. Response usually starts after 30 days and treatment is required for at least six months to one year. Sun exposure is most important source of vitamin D. I strongly feel that she has not responded to calcium because vitamin D was not given to her along with calcium.