What is the nutritional value of taking juices?
Q: Could you tell me the vitamin, mineral, fibre content and nutritional value of extracting juice from fruits?
A:Fruit juices have many healthy nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial. These nutrients include: potassium, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Most fruit juices are naturally low in fat and sodium. If you consume fruits whole in their natural state you consume them with the natural fibre and other ingredients that checks sugar absorption. Juices are high in calories and low in fibre. This will leave you hungry while rapidly adding excess sugar unnecessarily. The vitamin and mineral content is mildly affected on juicing but deteriorates rapidly on storage. If we juice all our fresh fruits and vegetables, then we will not take in enough fibre in our diet, as fruit should be one of the main sources of fibre. A good fibre intake is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Eating fruit in it’s natural state to obtain a fibre intake is important but if your diet already contains whole fruit and vegetables and other sources of fibre then adding fruit juice to it is just an added bonus.