What is the ilizarov technique?
Q: I have 4.5 inches shortening in the femur, though muscle power is fine. I have heard of ilizarov technique for length increasing. Please guide me further on ilizarov operations and the time taken in whole?
A:The Ilizarov method and its application have dramatically expanded over the past 15 years. Deformities that were once believed to be untreatable or only poorly treated with conventional techniques can now be effectively managed. Patients with complex deformities, multiple previous operations, compromised soft tissues, or active infection are most likely to benefit from the use of these techniques. Accepted applications include the management of complex congenital or developmental deformities, acute trauma, posttraumatic deformity or contractures, infection, and arthrodesis. Complications are very common but only rarely compromise ultimate outcomes. The techniques are technically demanding and require careful patient selection. You need to consult an orthopedic surgeon experienced in using the technique.