What is the cause of breathlessness if all other tests are normal?
Q: I am suffering from hypothyroidism, for which I am taking half tablet of Eltroxin. I also have mild hypertension and a mild cardiac problem (small bend on valve). I am taking Calaptin (after breakfast). I also had high triglycerides but now is in the normal range. So the doctor has reduced the tablet to every alternate day. I am taking Libotryp LS and sometimes DS for getting peaceful sleep. Now I am facing the problem of shortness of breath. It was also diagnosed 8 years ago and the treatment was started. But it stopped later. Recently it has started again. But my cardiologist says it is not related to any cardiac problem. Stress test was also done but everything was OK. I have taken all blood tests and all reports were normal including hypothyroidism. My husband expired recently due to a cardiac arrest. What treatment should I take?
A:You have mentioned that all your blood tests are normal. If Hb, serum creatinine, TSH, ECG and X-ray chest are normal, then the cause of breathlessness may not be a disease but stress or depression due to death of spouse. Consult your local physician and ask him to find out the cause of breathlessness. If everything is normal, then stress reduction should help.