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What is the cause for increased SGOT/SGPT?
Q: For the last 2 years my LFT (SGOT/SGPT/Alkaline phosphatase) varies constantly. When I take medicines like liver tonic or Silibion, the values come down to normal but on stopping them, after a few months they rise again to as much as twice the normal range. I am 39 years old, weigh 63 kg and have never taken alcohol. I do have high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Please advise.
A:The most common cause of elevations in SGOT/SGPT in Western countries is NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). This condition is seen in patients who have elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, those who are overweight, and in diabetics. If other causes of liver disease are ruled out your liver condition is most likely NAFLD.