What does my blood report indicate?
Q: I am a 22 years old boy and have taken some blood tests recently, which show haemoglobin - 16.2 g/dl, PCV - 49.2, total leucocyte count - 8.44 x 103/ml, Neutrophilis - 47.9%, Lymphocytes - 42.3%, Monocytes - 5.5%, Eosinophlis - 3.9%, Basophilis - 0.4%, E.S.R - 02 mm (1st h). Is this report normal? Please advise.
A:While most of your blood report results are within the reference interval (meaning normal) the reports of PCV 49.2 and Lymphocytes 42.3 are out of the reference range. Also, these results need to be viewed in context of the reason as to why they were ordered. In any case, your PCV is within the normal (reference) range for males which is: 45.0 + 5. In percentage the lymphocyte count is usually 40% or less, however, it is the absolute count that is more important. In your case it comes to 3570/cu mm while the normal count should be <4000/cu mm. Therefore, there is nothing to be worried about in these results.