What disease leads to patches on the legs?
Q: I have some patches on the bottom of both my legs. The doctor says this is due to poor circulation. I was told they are pigments and may stay for life. My feet and legs ache but I feel better when I walk or jog. Is this dangerous and what can I do to eliminate this problem?
A:Going through the symptoms described it seems the patient is suffering from Chronic venous disease. the diagnosis is given in the history the patient has provided. These are symptoms of chronic venous disease. It is not likely to be a problem with arterial disease as the symptoms would not get better with walking or jogging should there be problem with the arterial circulation. The doctor may have used the term loosely describing the venous disease when he said to the patient that he has problem with the circulation. The plan of treatment should be as follows: First the patient should get a thorough clinical examination done by a physician and also by a Vascular Surgeon. This should be followed by vascular Doppler for both arterial circulation and venous circulation and basic medical investigations. I am confident that the arterial Doppler should be normal and the venous Doppler may show varying degree of venous disease this may be, incompetence of deep veins, superficial veins or both. If it is only superficial veins that are implicated then some sort of surgery may be indicated where as if the deep veins are involved then he has to wear graduated compression stoking. He should continue to do walking but only when he is wearing the compression stoking not without these as there is a chance the pigmentation will get worse and his symptoms of aches will also get worse. The doctor was right when he said that these pigmentation will stay on for life. But there is always chance that it might get less prominent and in any case by using compression stocking further deterioration can be avoided.