What causes sensation of a lump in the airways?
Q: I would like know about lump of mucous that stays in my lungs every morning. I can feel the tenderness and I have to force and remove it. Is it due to allergy after coming to USA as I never had this problem in India and it recurred when I returned here? Also, how do we know if the fallopian tube is blocked and other problems in conception.
A:The sensation of mucous forming a lump in the airways of the lung has long been recognized as a specific symptom. In many cases this is a sensation that causes worry in anxious people, and the anxiety increases awareness of the sense of a lump. Thus a circle that feeds on itself is established, and the symptom only clears up when the anxiety syndrome is relieved and less attention is given to the abnormal feeling. A tranquilizer is sometimes helpful, but reassurance often suffices. Candy or cough tablets can be sucked for relief. Any sinusitis or post-nasal drip should be treated with vasoconstrictors, antihistamines, inhaled steroids, and antibiotics if indicated. Reflux from the stomach can exacerbate the abnormal sensation. Asthma may play a role, and treatment with an inhaled bronchodilator is needed if this is present. If all fails, then pulmonary function tests, CAT scans,and even bronchoscopy may be deemed appropriate. Fallopian tube blockage can be diagnosed and treated by a gynecologist, and any worries of this nature requires gynecological evaluation.