What causes low sperm count and low sperm motility?
Q: I am a 32 years old male who got married two years back. Recently, I underwent a semen analysis, which showed low sperm count (2 million) and less motile sperms. Before marriage, I was in America and used to exercise regularly, take sauna baths daily and used to keep the laptop on my lap. Does keeping the laptop on my lap lead to low sperm counts? I am having Paternia regularly now.
A:According to the information provided it seems that you have low sperm count and low sperm motility (Oligoasthenospermia). I think it will be worthwhile to repeat the semen analysis test to confirm this. Excessive heat (like sauna bath etc) around the scrotal area may affect the sperm production from testis and it should be avoided. Varicocoele is another common cause of oligoasthenospermia. It is an abnormal dilatation of veins above the testis. You should see an urologist for detailed history, examination and relevant tests including blood tests and ultrasound of scrotum. Varicocele may be treated by surgery or percutaneous techniques. If no abnormality is detected then various vitamins in specific doses may be tried for short duration. The urologist should be able to give you details of it.