weight loss
Q: I have heard a lot about a low carbohydrate diet aiding in weight loss. They generally recommend a low carbohydrate and high protien diet. Would you recommend the same? Could you suggest what foods I should be eating and which I should be avoiding? I am a vegeterian and dont eat eggs.
A:It is advised to take a low carbohydrate, low fat and a low calorie diet to lose weight. But at the same time it should be high in proteins. Here are some dietary guidelines that will help you to lose weight and select food for your diet plan:-
Include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables as salad in your diet.
- Dont skip any meal.
- Your dinner should be lighter than your lunch.
- Avoid fatty and fried foods such as pakoras, puris, paranthas, samosas, cutlets, etc.
- Restrict the intake of sweets including sugar, barfi, gulab jamuns, ras gullas, pastries, cakes etc.
- Take fresh lime instead of cokes and sodas.
- Drink plenty of water - 10 to 12 glasses per day.
- Work out an exercise routine for 20 minutes to begin with and then gradually increase the intensity and duration. This is very important as exercises can help you achieve balance between calories consumed and those utilised for daily activity.