Ureteric stones
Q: I am suffering from Ureteric stones . During that period when I was going for certain blood tests I tested my blood for Glucose-F also and the result was 108 mg/DL. How this result can be read? I am 35 years old. My other was suffering from diabetes and was on insulin. What steps do I need to take. I am 36 years old. I do not feel any symptom of diabetic related.
A:As for diabetes,you need to see a physician. All I can tell you is that a repeat fasting and post prandial sugar is reqired in your case. you have a strong possibility to be diabetic. For ureteric stones, you need removal of stones beyond doubt. Ureteric stones can come out spontaneously if they are upto 5-6 mm but should not wait for more than three weeks. if your kidney is showing increasing swelling or hydronephrosis,get them out by most suitable maethod which is to be decided by a urologist.