Please interpret my ultrasound report?
Q: I did an ultrasound after 7 and a half weeks and the report says: small echogenic density within the fetus, probable brain seen. My doctor said that it is too soon for that report. What is your opinion please?
A:An ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging procedure through the use of high frequency sound waves by which fetal anatomy, placenta and amniotic fluid can be visualised. It is harmless to both the mother and the developing baby. When done as a part of ante-natal examination, this procedure can evaluate gestational age, identify presence of twins; fetal position; placental location; fetal growth, development & movement; and any structural birth defects. Ultrasound is also used to guide invasive sampling, such as amniocentesis, CVS, cordocentesis, and various fetal biopsies. Many fetal organ systems and anatomical lesions (including some genitourinary, gastrointestinal, skeletal, and central nervous system abnormalities), can be visualized by ultrasound between 16-20 weeks gestation. While birth defects may be apparent on the ultrasound image, recognizing malformations depends on the experience of the individual performing the evaluation.