pain in my left ankle
Q: I am 63 years old. My height is 510 and weight 61 kgs. Since last 6 months I have pain in my left ankle (between foot and knee). I consulted orthopaedic surgeon and he informe me that there is no damage in the ankle and suggested wax bath for couple of month which I did.The pain is still there and he suggested using elastic pad in the ankle. While with the pad and shoes, I do not feel the pain, howeve, when I remove them and while lying in bed I have pain. I am not taking any pain killer.I am told that this is normal at my age.
A:Since the orthopaedic surgeon has already evaluated your ankle, and they seem to be alright, I dont know what the diagnosis is. Sometimes there may be sprains or strains which can lead to pain. There may be neurological issues, especially in diabetics. there may be vascular causes.However, if you are comfortable with the elastic pad, then you should continue using it. if there is severe pain, you may resort to analgesic medication. It may not possible in every case of pain- to point to a diagnosis. It may not justified resort to higher imaging studies to trace the source of pain in every case. in such cases treatment is entirely symptomatic and you got to do whatever makes you comfortable. You may try hot fomentation, physical therapy, or medication.