Is there any hope for motor neuron disease?
Q: I am suffering from motor neuropathy (foot drop) which started ten years ago and over time has resulted in muscle wastage in both my legs, which are now very thin and I can hardly walk without support and I feel my hips are also getting weak. The EMG tests show a gradual deterioration. I am now worried that if the weakness now spreads to the hip and abdomen muscles, then it could lead to a life-threatening situation. The neurologists I have consulted so far have not offered any treatment since they say that no treatment can be recommended till the cause can be established. At present, I am taking ayurvedic nerve tonics as well as vitamin B12 tablets. Do I have any hope? I shall be most grateful for your advice.
A:Motor neuron disease is indeed a difficult disease. Some drugs, including some known as COX 2i inhibitors and minocycline, have shown some results in reducing the rate of deterioration. Drugs like riluzole, which are not available in India, may also have minimal benefit. Stem cell therapy is also being tried. Your doctor is the best person to guide you.