Is my chest pain due to a heart problem?
Q: For the past 10-15 days I am getting chest pain. Earlier too I used to get pain but it used to get alright in 2 -3 days. I am unable to differentiate whether this is pain or some air lock below by left chest. I go to the gym daily. I don't lift or do exercise with heavy weights. My favourite non-vegetarian food is eggs. I used to take 3-4 eggs daily. For the past 2 weeks I am not taking eggs. While sleeping too I get pain. Can you please give some useful tips to overcome this issue?
A:From your description, it does not appear to be pain due to the heart. You are perhaps doing too much in the gym. Excessive exercise can cause pain in the chest. It is wrong to eat too many eggs. You should not eat more than 3 whole eggs per week. You can eat the whites daily. Also please take your ECG and have your heart and B.P. checked by a good physician. If these are normal, you should lead a normal life.