Increase testesterone level
Q: I am a 25 yr old male. Recently I did a testesterone test and the testesterone level in my blood was found to be 1.5 which is supposed to be around 8 for adults. I want to know is there any way to increase the level of testesterone? I have undergone a few operations (appendicitis, phymosis,tonsil) in the past and also suffered from acute jaundice once.
A:Serum testosterone can be increased with medication, but what medication andin what dose, and even whether medication is needed at all, can only bedecided after a full clinical examination and doing the other releventtests. For example, action will depend on why the testosterone level wastested. Was the only indication reduced facial hair? Also what is thecurrent status of liver function. Moreover, serum testosterone fluctuates,so the standard way of testing is to take three blood samples, 15-20 minutesapart, pool the serum and then test in the pooled serum. Was that done? the final decision about treatment has to be taken keeping these factors inmind.