Q: I Have been tested for Hypothyroid since 1998. Since 1990 I was having muscular problems. I cant even brush for 1-2 mins or jog for 10 mins The muscles start paining.This is still persisting and deteriorating. I had Bp also. I underwent angiography as well. That was when this problem was discovered. I am losing hair also still. My T3 TSH are all right according to the doctors. I am also taking taking eltrixin 1 and 11/2 alternate days as well as concor(2.5 mg) for BP. I was asked to take vit E, neurobion for my muscle pains. Since my first blood which showed a worse T3, T4 TSH things have improved clinically but not physically.
A:The symptoms you are describing can be seen in hypothyroidism, but only ifit is not treated. Since according to you, you are taking treatmentregularly, and your blood tests are reflecting this, it is unlikely to bedue to hypothyroidism. You have not mentioned your TSH values: if the TSH isvery low (ie the thyroid gland is over-suppressed), you may benefit fromsome reduction in dose.It is much more likely that the primary problem is a muscular one, and willneed a neurology evaluation.