How to manage anal fissure?
Q: I am suffering from some kind of rectal fissure. So currenly on the advise of my physician I am taking stool softener pills and that has made my normal stools softer.But I still have pain while passing my stools. Its some sort of pricking feeling which is now for more than 3 weeks. I am taking a lot of liquids but usual diet and have a regular pattern of stools. The doctor says that there is a slight cut in the rectum(which may have occured as the stools poop out in force and so if the pain sustains may be I can go ahead with a minor surgery which enlarges the opening area a little bit more. But can i be suggested some other option besides letting it take its own time to heal.Waiting for your suggesion,Anju
A:There are several options for the management of anal fissure ranging from alternate medicines which cause relaxation of the anal sphincter and allows the fissure to heal, dilatation of tha anal canal which achieves the samepurpose and a minor surgery which relieves sphincter spasm responsible for the pain. You need to consult a surgeon and discuss these alternatives