How to manage after a hip joint operation?
Q: I was operated at a hospital in Bombay on my left hip joint about 8 years ago after I slipped at home. They put 3 screws in the joint which have not been removed as yet. My left leg (from the ankle to knee) gets swollen if I do not walk regularly and sometimes I get pain in the joint. I cannot run and I have a slight limp while walking. Is it necessary to remove the screws?
A:The problem you are having can be due to many causes and the important ones are: 1. Fracture has not united 2. The femoral head has become avascular and deformed leading to osteoarthritis- like changes in the hip. 3. There is some problem with the blood circulation in the leg. Unfortunately, from the description that you have given, it is not possible to decide what is the problem in your case. You should consult an orthopaedic surgeon nearby to discuss the problem and treatment.