How to get an early recovery after total joint knee replacement?
Q: I am a 50 years old diabetic and one month back, I had undergone total knee joint replacement in my right leg. There is an imported steel cap in the knee replacement which cost Rs. 60,000/-. Now I am trying to bend my right knee but it goes to just 35 - 40 degrees. How can I get it to full 90 degrees? A physiotherapist comes on alternate days for the exercise. What should my diet be that will help in exercise? Since I have a diabetes, there is a lot of diet restriction. What should I do to help me in early recovery? After doing the exercise, I get so tired and my legs pain so much.
A:Check your blood sugar before and after exercise, if you use insulin or diabetes medicines. If your blood sugar is low before or during exercise, have a carbohydrate snack to raise it. Drink plenty of water before/during/after exercises. If you are dependent on insulin there are higher chances of hypoglycaemia at night. So it would help you to exercise after breakfast and not to exercise before going to bed. If you are non-insulin dependent, it would help you to exercise after 4 p.m. Walking in water is excellent if you can manage. It will help you to get your movements faster.