How effective is Minoxidil lotion in hair loss?
Q: I am a 25 years old electronics engineer. I have some questions regarding hair loss. Does Minoxidil 5% lotion stop the hair fall completely or does it only promote hair growth? Since I am using Mintop 5% for 2 months, I am observing slight regrowth but my hair fall has not stopped completely. After applying Mintop at night, I observe some substance accumulated on the scalp in the morning which I have to wash using shampoo. What is this substance? I had used Finpecia (Finasteride) tablets for 8 days and then I stopped it. This prescription was given to me by a dermatologist who also told me that he has patients who have been using Mintop 5% and Finpecia tablet (daily 1 tablet) for the past 2 years with no side effects. Can I take Finestride tablet?
A:Mintop lotion is used in the treatment of both androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata. However, Finestride is useful in the treatment of the former. It depends what your problem is. Most published studies have not tried both medicines simultaneously. Mintop lotion is not effective in all cases. Mechanism of hair loss in the above 2 disorders is different. Logically the mode of action of medicine in each has to be different. Every individual, even those without any disease, lose hair every day, as a part of normal hair growth kinetics. A normal person can loose up to 150 hair per day. What collects on your scalp has to be analysed.