How do I quit drinking and control tremors?
Q: I am 37 years male suffering from tremors and alcoholism. I start consuming alcohol from morning and take it till bedtime. I consume approximately 600 ml alcohol daily. I start drinking in the morning because otherwise I experience tremors. Is there any medication to control tremors and to quit drinking? I started drinking 12 years back.
A:The tremors can be due to withdrawal from alcohol itself, it can be essential tremors or tremors due to anxiety. In any case drinking only makes it worse. So let us address the issue of tremor. There are 2 things that can be of great help to you at this time. Ask your doctor to start you on Venlafaxine (Effexor) for anxiety (fears will be well addressed with this medication). Do not take this medication after 2 pm as it gives you insomnia. For essential tremor ask your doctor for propranolol. Alcohol dependence is your main problem. This needs to be treated. You will have to go to self help groups, make 90 meetings in 90 days. (AA meetings). Get a sponsor. Also see a psychiatrist ask for Antabuse to address your drinking problem. Also Naltrexone helps. Please consult your doctor. Start immediately on Thiamine 100 mg 1 pill daily and folic acid 1 mg daily. (these are over the counter).