How can weakness bouts be treated?
Q: I am a 37 years old married male, suffering from perineal pain after a long drive for the past a year. I have consulted a doctor, who suggested me to undergo urine analysis and semen analysis. The doctor has suspected prostate infection, but the reports were not positive. I took Calvam for a month. I consulted many urologists; all suggested for possible prostate but all the reports came normal. Now, whenever I ejaculate, I feel severe weakness around my perineum area, legs and limbs. The weakness is accompanied with pain. The weakness continues for two to three days. I have also taken Neurobion tablets, which gave some relief after four to five days. How can weakness bouts be treated?
A:According to description of your illness, you may have chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS), which includes chronic nonbacterial prostatitis (inflammatory category) and prostatodynia (non-inflammatory category). The exact etiology of CPPS is not clearly known and that is why it becomes difficult to diagnose or treat these conditions and furthermore recurrences are common. Multimodal approach using prostatic massage, alpha-blockers medications, anti-inflammatory agents, antimicrobials, lifestyle and dietary modifications (eg. reduce stress, caffeine, spicy foods) may help in alleviating the symptoms.