How can scleroderma be treated?
Q: My 53 years old wife is suffering from a skin disease namely scleroderma for the last 30-35 years. She has been taking treatment for a long time but in vain. However, the disease does not create much of a problem but is spreading very slowly in patches at different parts of the body. The skin of the affected area becomes thick, dark brown in colour and very sensitive. Even a slight cut pains too much and takes a long time to heel. In the old infected patches, sometimes a hard white small piece comes out. The disease is not infectious and has not affected any family member. Is there any cure or medical treatment?
A:Scleroderma, is a chronic disease and can be a multi-system disorder. Different systems when affected may not be compromised to the same degree. Depending upon the severity of the organ affected, that particular specialist may be required. For example, if the lungs are affected, pulmonologist maybe helpful. In a small number of cases, a team effort is required. An immunologist may suffice in some cases.