How can rashes on the penis be treated?
Q: I am a 25 years old unmarried man suffering from redness and very minute rashes on the glans penis. I did not have sex in my life but I used to masturbate five times a week. Whenever my body temperature rises rashes appear on the glans. The doctor diagnosed herpes but without conducting any confirmatory test. I have taken Acyclovir 800 mg for a year but the treatment was in vain. This disease is recurrent till date. Whenever the redness and small rashes appear, the very next day a white layer appears on the glans, if I wash it then the intensity of redness and rash size also increases. I am taking Doxy 100 mg for 4 days and Tinidazole 500 mg for 4 days and Candid B LA for 7 days. This treatment gave some relief. I wash my penis everyday with soap and water. Why is this recurring? I had my blood tested for VDRL and HIV and the result was negative. Please suggest.
A:Stop washing with soap. Stop antibiotics. Stop candid cream too. Clean with normal water or normal saline. Most likely your problem is that of candidal balanoposthitis. Get your blood sugar (fasting and postprandial) and urine sugar done. Take just Tab. Fluconazole 200 mg stat (Once today) orally and then 50 mg daily orally for 2 weeks. If does not respond consult a dermatologist / venereologist.