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How can my son’s fever be managed?

Q: My five years old son is suffering from fever for the last two and a half months. We consulted a doctor who asked us to undergo ESR, complete blood count (CBC) and urine test of my son. The WBC were found to be raised 14,600/mcl and ESR – 18. The doctor has prescribed syrup - augmentin dds. How can my son’s fever be managed?

A:What is the range of fever and if it is associated with any other symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, decreased appetite, rashes or joint pains. If his fever is really significant i.e. more than 100.5 degree F or has any other symptoms, would need detailed investigations to find out the cause of fever. If the temperature is less than 100 and he is otherwise fine and has no other symptoms and the basic investigations including a urine examination is fine, then ignore this.


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