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How can my post-prostate surgery problems be managed?

Q: I am a 61 years old male who underwent transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) surgery last year. I got hospital infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa so I took antibiotics Punox and Furanem but they did not give much relief. I have also tried homeopathic treatment, which gave me little relief. But the doctor changed the medicine and now I have lot of smegma forms, cuts on foreskin, no erection and heart problems like pain in chest and incomplete evacuation of bowels. What is the treatment for cuts and smegma?

A:You have mentioned several issues in a single question. Chest pain, constipation, erectile dysfunction, excess smegma, recurrent urinary tract infections, and cuts on foreskin (not sure if this is from TURP). Excess smegma can be prevented by washing the area with excess warm water after retracting the foreskin. This can be cured with circumcision. Medical opinion is still split on whether circumcision is absolutely necessary, however in your situation it can help both the smegma and the cuts on your foreskin (as long as they are on the distal part). As far as erectile dysfunction, men with enlarged prostate and urinary symptoms (for which you had TURP) commonly face this problem. You should consult your urologist in this matter. There may be medications that can be changed or you can start taking medications for erections.


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