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How can multi nodular toxic goitre be treated?
Q: I am a 27 years old woman diagnosed with multinodular toxic goitre with T3 - 3.5 ng/ml and T4 – 42 ug/dl and TSH - 0.1 mIU/L. The doctor advised me to take Neomercazole, Inderal, vitamin B complex and Cacitate and also suggested surgical removal as radioactive therapy cannot be done because I am unmarried. Is it necessary to remove the gland? Will it cause any problem in the future if it is not removed? Can it be removed without leaving any external mark? Please advise.
A:I hope the diagnosis is confirmed with thyroid uptake studies. If so, then there are three options:
- Medical treatment, which you are already taking but it needs to continue for almost lifetime so not a good option.
- Surgical removal, which is ok but surgery is major and gives a thin scar.
- Radioiodine therapy is fine for you despite the fact you are unmarried. There is large data available, especially from USA, which suggests that this form of therapy is safe.