How can make me cheeks look healthy?
Q: I am 26 years old and my weight is good according to my heightbut my cheeks are not healthy. This causes me a lot of problem as my face doesn't look good. Kindly help me solve my problem. Will yoga and meditation help me or is there any medicine?
A:Looking healthy is a valued asset and this accounts for the success of cosmetics, plastic surgery and exercises to tone up the casdiovascular system. Sun tans are so popular that tanning salons now offer artificial sunlight even though this increases the risk of skin cancer. In former days arsenic was used as a tonic to improve the complexion, and numerous face powders containing pigments have been used since ancient times in Egypt. Undoubtedly aerobic exercises, fresh air (preferably sea air) and yoga breathing exercises that tone up the circulation and decrease anxiety are to be preferred.