How can knee pain be lowered?
Q: I am a 24 years old male. My knee got twisted while playing badminton. For the last two months, I am suffering from slight pain on the knee while complete bending and also while standing up after sitting for a long time. The doctor has suggested me to undergo an MRI, which showed - ill defined hyperintense signals that are noted to the posterior body of the medial meniscus - grade-1 injury. Anterior cruciate ligament demonstrates normal Tibial / Femoral bony attachments. Its midsubstance / Femoral end appears bulky and has increased signals - Interstitial injury. Posterior cruciate ligament per-se appears normal. Very minimal effusion is noted into the joint capsule. Everything else in the report was normal. Then the doctor has put me under physiotherapy. Physiotherapist gave me some exercises and provides some other treatments like ultrasound therapy, infrared therapy and ice packs for 15 days. Moreover, I have to sit in the office for long hours.
A:You probably have a simple knee strain; don’t worry about MRI they always over-read. Please do not sit on low height. Put warm and cold pack alternate for next 10 days. Start knee-strengthening exercises once or twice a day. Do body exercises lying on bed such as straight leg rising, side leg rising and back leg rising for 10-15 times. Continue like this and I am sure your knee will be alright and may be after two months you can play gentle badminton game.