How can itching in penis be treated?
Q: I am a 37 years old married man since 5 years. I am feeling slight itching inside my penis for the last 2 days. The problem aggravates in night and after just inserting my finger inside my penis will give some relief. It does not occur during daytime. I don't have any problem in erection and sex. During this time also I had good sex with my wife but in these two days I got pre-mature ejaculation, may be due to fear of itching or else. I normally do sex regularly. What is the reason for itching? How it can be treated?
A:Itching in penis is not necessarily sexually transmitted disease, as you have perceived. Most common cause of itching remains allergic, especially if there are any eruptions too. Inflammation of prepuce or glans (balanoposthitis) due to various reasons too may give rise to some itching though it would be associated with visible inflammatory changes. Urethritis as well as chronic prostatitis may also give similar symptoms. Local examination, urethral smear, urine examination along with complete blood count and blood sugar check is desirable. You should seek an appointment with a urologist who would get the necessary workup done.