How can I protect my skin from getting tanned?
Q: I would like to know how can I best protect my skin from sun not only in summers but all year round. I have a fair complexion and my skin has a tendency to get tanned in strong sun rather than burn like most Indian skins do. How can I protect my skin from getting tanned? Is using only sunscreen with SPF 15 or more sufficient or sunscreens with TPI (Tan Protection Index) factor is also important? My skin is sensitive and burns when I used to apply UVGil sunscreen from Quality Herbal products. It may be due to presence of Titanium Dioxide IP. My forearms and feet are tanned. Can I reverse the tanning?
A:I am happy to learn that your skin tans and does not burn on exposure to sunlight. Most Indian skins are supposed to tan since this is natures way of protecting our skin from sunlight. You should sympathize with those white individuals whose skin burns and does not tan despite their sitting on the beaches for long periods. The whites damage their skin so easily by exposing to sunlight and in later years tend to develop skin cancers which we seldom do. Titanium dioxide is one of the best and safest sun blocks. The reaction you get with other sunscreens may be due to their chemical nature. Normally you should let your skin tan and not use any sunscreen at all.