How can I get rid of birthmarks?
Q: I have blood plaques (glands) on my arm and the back. How do I get rid of these - are there any tablets or medicine for this? Please help?
A:I think you are referring to a red birthmark. Birthmarks are coloured vascular (blood vessel) or pigmented skin markings that develop before or shortly after birth. Red birthmarks are due to blood vessels close to the skin surface while pigmented birthmarks are areas in which the colour of the birthmark is different from the colour of the rest of the skin. Haemangiomas, the commonest vascular birthmark, are usually painless and harmless. Their cause is unknown and they are of several types – strawberry, cavernous, flat, etc. They are usually not treated unless they cause unwanted symptoms or psychosocial problems. Permanent lesions can be masked with cosmetics. Oral or injected cortisone may be used to reduce the size of a haemangioma if it is rapidly growing. They can also be treated with surgery, cryotherapy or laser. Please consult a dermatologist who will be able to advise you further.