Do I need to take any drug for hypothyroidism?
Q: I underwent some blood tests and thyroid test, which the doctor found all normal. In the thyroid test, the TSH was 5.88 but the doctor did not prescribe me any medicines. Then I approached another doctor who advised me to monitor my BP. It is around 110/75, 105/74 but still this doctor is unable to take a decision on whether or not to start any medicines for hypothyroidism. I am 43 years old, my height is 5 feet only but my weight is 60 kgs. For the last two years it is increasing gradually. I have cut down on fried foods, sweets and have started morning walks. But still I am unable to control my weight. Hence, I'd like to know whether I should start any thyroid medicines? I thought I will go for ayurvedic medicines but I would like to have your suggestions first?
A:This condition is called as subclinical hypothyroidism and decision of treatment depends upon whether you are positive for thyroid antibodies or not, presence of any lipid abnormalities, etc. For you, the best option will be to repeat TSH and T4 after three months and if this is showing a rising trend and crosses 10-12, than you can start on Eltroxin 50/d, otherwise wait and watch. For your weight, you need to do more exercises and diet control. This elevated level of TSH is not responsible for your weight.