Do I need to change my medication?
Q: I was found to have high blood pressure nearly 15 years back and put on medication which included both sodium and beta blockers. After prolonged use, I realised that I have a libido problem. Our family doctor switched me over to Amlovas 2.5, one tablet every day. I have been using that for 10 years now but I am totally unable to get an erection. What should do I do to reverse this? Or is a change of medicine required for it?
A:Betablockers (atenolol etc.) should not be taken not only because they can cause impotence but also because they can precipitate diabetes. Unfortunately, amlodipine (Amlovas) can also cause impotence and reduced libido. The drug of choice in such sexually active male cases is enalapril (sold as Enam) 5-10mg 1-2 times daily or as required.