Complications arising with asthma?
Q: My mother is an asthmatic patient for the last 10 years and recently she got pneumonia and respiratory failure, but she got revived anyhow. Is there any remedy that can help her body survive as she became very weak. As the doctor said that her lungs have shrinked and she cannot even breathe properly and the oxyhaemoglobin is not being circulated to the tips of the body even. Please help.
A:Asthma that results in severe respiratory failure is often followed by a very good recovery, although older patients may take several weeks to regain their former health. If the acute event was complicated by infection or lung damage, a full restoration may never occur because of permanent scarring. Fatigue and weakness would benefit from a rehabilitation program with appropriate exercise and physiotherapy. Multivitamins and anti-oxidants could help, and energizing herbs such as ginseng, codonopsis and cordyceps can help. Another possible problem is depression secondary to the experience of a very damaging illness, and this post-traumatic outcome might necessitate anti-depressant therapy. A cheerful, encouraging support system is essential if a good recovery is anticipated.