Can swine flu be treated with usual antibiotics?
Q: I want some information about swine flu/ H1N1 influenza. If anyone of any age group gets the symptoms of fever and cold, which are similar to any flu symptoms, can they take a medication for cold and fever to start with (either allopathic, ayurvedic or home remedies)? And, if the patient does take the treatment, and the symptoms go away after a day or two, can we rule out swine flu and rest at ease? If it is swine flu, do those symptoms also go away with the above medication, but the risk persists in the patient or others of developing the disease?
A:Certainly if you get flu like symptoms such as a cold, fever then it is appropriate to take the usual anti-cold and fever lowering medication. If the illness goes away in a few days, one should rest for an additional day and then resume the normal life. Please keep in mind that both the common seasonal flu and swine flu have the same manifestations to start with. Please also remember that the vast majority of what is technically swine flu just has a very mild course and persons usually recover even without treatment. They do however develop immunity. What is important is not whether they had Swine flu or common influenza, what is important is that in the vast majority of cases there is an uneventful recovery. Further specific anti-viral treatment is only indicated if the condition worsens and other manifestations occur.