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Can my husband’s erection problem be treated?
Q: My 34 years old husband is suffering from erectile dysfunction and his erection stays only for a minute. His urine test, blood test and semen analysis report stated sperm mobility - 18% against the normal value of 50%, sperm count is 17% against the normal value of 15%. His testosterone is 2.24 compared to a normal range of 2.8 to 8.0 ng/ml. The doctor prescribed Enew Plus Caps and Addyzoa. Can his problem be treated? I want to conceive now so I would like to know, is it worth waiting to be treated? Or is it better to seek alternative ways like artificial insemination or even adoption?
A:I understand your problem and would like to divide it in two components.
- Erectile dysfunction - For the purposes of fertility and for leading a happy married life it is essential to find a logical solution to the problem. Perhaps, it would be easy to treat this problem for him. You will have to go to a specialist clinic that could investigate the cause and the nature of his erectile dysfunction and treat it appropriately. It will help both of you in improving mental status as well as to treat infertility.
- I would not like to interpret the semen analysis report word by word. It needs the help of an andrologist to interpret in the backdrop of all tests including hormonal levels. I would be very hopeful for you to bear a child. However, it would need a lot of patience and consulting right kind of specialists.