Can Forair inhaler be used for long?
Q: I am a 66 years male who had allergic asthma while studying in South India especially in winters. This vanished when I shifted out. Now after 40 years, I have started getting wheezing. I have been prescribed Forair 250 after a spirometry test. After using it once a month, the doctor advised me to stop as he found my chest was fully clear. However, I use this once in every alternate day or SOS. Is Forair inhaler safe to use in the long run? I take about 15 to 20 inhalations a month.
A:Your history sounds like the asthma is back. At the same time all that wheezes is not asthma. Chronic bronchitis as well as the condition called congestive heart failure where fluid builds up in the lung can cause this. You should have your doctor review your detailed history for these conditions if you do not improve. However since you do note that you have more problems with pollution exposure it seems that your air passages get inflammed and narrow and the fluticasone and salmeterol combination helps by decreasing inflammation and swelling and relaxing the muscles in the air passage . It is important to know that the combination you mention is not for emergency use. It is a maintenance medication and does not work right away. You should get a quick relief inhaler like albuterol from your doctor for this purpose. If needed you may need to remain on the original combination long term and it is usually a twice a day medication and not supposed to be taken on and off. If your symptoms are mild you may just need a quick relief inhaler and also avoid the triggers. Kindly share this information with your doctor and hope you find some lasting relief soon.