Can all the family members take the BCG vaccination?
Q: My 40 years old mother was diagnosed with left ovarian tuberculosis (TB). She was hospitalised and the doctors prescribed AKT-4 (kit), Pentacid 40 mg, Benadin tabs and a 6 months strict course as to avoid resistant TB.
- Your mother is suffering from ovarian TB, for which she is getting proper treatment, so there is no point for you to take BCG at this age.
- There is no role of BCG in treatment of your mother.
- Ranbaxy and Cipla both prepare AKT, you can go for any brand.
- If timely diagnosed and properly treated, then there is nothing to worry, the condition is fully curable.
- For TB, BCG is the vaccine, which most of Indians get at birth, just check for scar mark on your arms. For hepatitis B vaccines should be taken, so contact your local doctor.