Are my blood counts normal?
Q: Recently I was down with viral fever. A blood test was conducted which showed Lymphocytes count at 9%. All other counts were within the reference range. Haemoglobin 14.1, Total count 14290, Neutrphils 88, Monocytes 03, Eosinophils 0, Basophils 0, ESR 07, Platelet count 266, Packed cell volume 39.8, Red cell count 4.59. Is there any significance of a count of 9, which is lower than reference range?
A:The total leukocyte count in an adult ranges from 4,500-10,000/mcl with neutrophil and lymphocyte counts being 1,800-7,500/mcl and 1,000-4,800/mcl respectively. It is the absolute number of cells (and not the percentage) that is important. From your report it appears that you had absolute neutrophilia or rise in neutrophils (14,290 x 88/100 = 12,575/mcl) which is usually due to a bacterial infection. Please discuss your report with your physician who needs to correlate it with your clinical findings.