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Am I on a right treatment for muscular pain?

Q: I am a 33 years old male. I have been having persistent calf muscle pain for last 3 months. Whenever I get up in the morning I am having constant body aches along with aching ankles and feet. I got my serum uric acid levels checked and found these to be high at 8.12 (normal value being up to 7). I visited a physician who prescribed me Zyloric 100 mg once a day in the morning. Although I am a moderate drinker and do not take more than 90 ml that too twice or thrice a month. Now, I have stopped taking any form of alcohol. What else should I do? What diet modifications need to be carried out? How long should I be taking Zyloric? Can this lead to gout?

A:High uric acid is present in a proportion of normal people, mostly those who have a family history of being overweight, family history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and high cholesterol. In other words, high uric acid is a red flag warning to the person that unless the person takes care of his health, he may develop diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol levels. This combination of diseases has now been included in an over-all condition called metabolic syndrome. Good health practices include eating fresh fruits, salads and green vegetables, simple dal, chawal, roti, fat free milk and yoghurt etc, but strictly avoiding high fatty food (fried food, rich food, refined food, sea food, red meat) and beer. Remember, uric acid does not increase by eating any vegetarian food (you can eat as much dal, tomato, spinach, fruits or other vegetarian items as you like). In addition, doing regular exercise (at least 10,000 steps walk in 24 hour period - daily) would automatically bring down uric acid levels. It is important to mention that even if uric acid still remains high, it does not affect normal health and it does not require treatment with Zyloric. It achieves nothing. Zyloric is a drug to be given in a person who has had at least 3 episodes of acute gouty arthritis - a relatively uncommon disease with acute red-hot swelling at the base of the big toe that is so painful that one cannot even touch it with a piece of cloth (e.g. bed sheet). It is given to prevent further acute attacks. It is ironical that, if by mistake Zyloric is given during acute attack of gouty arthritis, it makes it worse. The condition is so acute that the person usually rushes to the hospital with agonising pain. The only medicines that work at that stage are called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Your history is not at all that of acute gouty attack; therefore, I do not see any reason for you to be taking giving Zyloric. Calf pain has many causes. You may please consult an appropriate doctor, may be a good General Physician who can help you.


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